Friday, November 9, 2007

HTC's touch can't touch the iPhone

When Apple announced the coming of the iPhone early this year, handset makers like HTC scrambled to bring out a competitor worthy of the yet to be released iPhone. In the case of HTC, what came out of that frenzied panic was the HTC touch.

Last September, HTC's CEO Peter Chou remarked that the iPhone is not up to par with HTC standards.
"The iPhone design is very beautiful. However, the phone design is quite weak; it's very, very basic."
Chou continued on to say that HTC, in contrast, understands the different needs of cellular operators and so can tweak its handsets as necessary. This, according to Chou, gives HTC 'a huge advantage'.

Unfortunately for Chou, reviews of the HTC touch disagree with his optimism.

Crunchgear called the HTC touch as "a valiant effort" but "it still falls short" of Apple’s iPhone.

Another review by Electronista cites the HTC touch as having a "tiny interface, poor web and media software" and "sub-par battery life and camera." The review wrapped up by saying:
" becomes apparent HTC's best intentions have resulted in a compromise. The Touch really does try to shoehorn an iPhone-like experience into an operating system and phone design that are largely unsuited to the job."

The videos below might help illustrate how a threat the HTC touch poses on the iPhone:

The Apple iPhone

The HTC touch

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