Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mac tip for newbies: Guest accounts part 2

On a previous post, I talked about Jeff Gamut's tips on creating Guest accounts. Setting up a guest accounts lets your family and friends to use your Mac without having to deal with the worry they might accidentally close or delete a project you were working on. But does having a guest account also let's you dictate what a guest user can or cannot do or use? Yes, and this is where Parental Controls comes in.

Jeff Gamut returns to discuss the finer points of Parental Controls, a new feature under Leopard. Using Parental Controls you will be able to limit what applications your guests can open and what websites they can access. There's also a nifty feature for parents where they can limit the number of hours their child spends on the Mac on weekdays and weekends. A bedtime limit restricts access to the Mac in a specific time period when the child is supposed to be asleep.

Read more of Jeff Gamut's quick tip of Parental Controls here.

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